SAP Outsourcing
"It increases productivity and expands the coverage of SAP projects thanks to outsourcing. Develop the digital transformation and process reengineering of your business with the help of experts."
Why use the Outsourcing service
Below you can see the main features that our service improves:
• Closeness and trust. They are part of GroupMee’s values. Thanks to outsourcing solutions we can offer a personalized treatment focused on the specific needs of the client, managing to earn their trust.
• Thanks to our resources we can offer new services to customers without having to invest large sums of capital in the formation of specific skills.
• Adaptability to the market. Companies go through various cycles of market fluctuation, oscillating in their income and expenses. Given this situation, relying on GroupMee’s outsourcing service means greater flexibility and adaptability to the market.
• Introduction into new markets. With outsourcing solutions, not only can new productive synergies be created, but expansion into different and/or emerging markets can also be achieved. In this way, your company is not alone, but creates a work community that facilitates insertion in new.
Key Benefits
• It implies the increase of the services that the company provides to direct customers (internal and / or external), facilitating the expansion of the size of the company.
• Reduces operating costs. Outsourcing works as an alternative to the direct hiring of personnel, alleviating the fiscal, salary and economic burden involved in the expansion of a workforce. In the long run, it represents a considerable saving of time, money and resources for companies.
• Provides access to the hiring of expert and specialized personnel in the provision of services related to SAP, guaranteeing the maintenance of the quality standards of the projects.
• Eliminates risks. By outsourcing GroupMee as a company that has experts in each SAP module, the proper execution of the task is ensured and the risks associated with its execution are mitigated through non-specialized personnel.
• Strategic focus is allowed on activities that are part of the productive and essential core of the company such as billing, administration, human resources, accounting, etc.